Dr. Shyam Prakash Vyas
MS - Ophthalmology, MBBS
Ophthalmic surgery
Dr. Shyam Prakash Vyas is practicing Ophthalmology since 1977 in various medical colleges and Hospitals in Rajasthan on various posts.He took voluntary retirement in 2000, then Started own clinic with facilities of Phaco, Keratoplasty, Glaucoma and Squint Surgeries. Served abroad as faculty in foreign university on deputation for 5 years. He has worked as Professor and Head at MINIMS University Eye Department, Jaipur for 4 years. Has teaching experience for undergraduate and post graduate and guide for 26 years. Internal and external examiner at various places for 15 years. He is a member of the Expert Panel for the RPSC selection committee for selecting assistant professors in medical colleges of Rajasthan.
A-22, Shastri Nagar, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India