Dr. Shebin C E
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dr. Shebin has an overall experience of 2 years. He is working has an Consultant Pediatrician & Neonatologist with the NIMS Medicity hospital in Neyyattinkara, Kerala.
NEYYATTIKARA , Neyyattinkara, Kerala, India - 695123
Dr. Fathima Habsitha
Homeopathic physician
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Passionate experienced homeopathic physician. Multilingual (consultation in English , malayalam, Hindi and tamil) .We can provide tele consultation as well as offline consultation . Classic homeopathy with good results for cases of paediatric diseases , immunological diseases , allergic conditions, Gynaecological diseases,, Renal stones , Hemorrhoids , Hernia, Preventive medicine, skin diseases etc, We have about 2000 trusted patients so far. We are happy to add to the count . Book your appointment and come lets have a talk about you as a whole because we can promise your - mental , physical and social well beingness.
Dr Habsitha’s homeopathic multispeciality clinic , Near SBI , Main road Balaramapuram Trivandrum, Balaramapuram, Neyyattinkara, Kerala, India - 695501