The small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system are known as diverticula. These are found mostly in the lower part of your large intestine i.e., the colon. The presence of diverticula is known as diverticulosis. The condition in which one or more of the pouches gets inflamed or infected is known as diverticulitis. AnRead More
Bacteria are single-celled, or simple, organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. Many bacteria are found both inside and outside of organisms, including humans. They usually dwell in places where nutrients can be found, like inside animals and plants, or on the surface of substances like soil, water, and food. Factors such as age, diet, and loRead More
In the present day, a lot of people are found to be suffering from several types of health issues, and one of them is digestion-related complications. Digestive problems occur when the gastrointestinal tract of the body fails to function properly and as a result, the food that you are taking in through your regular diet is not digested properly. WhRead More
Nearly every aspect of your life, including your relationships and employment, can be impacted by IBS.
An IBS victim speaks after requesting that her full last name not be used. Many of her friends and even many doctors she saw acted like her symptoms were nothing. Yet she lived with gas and terrible pain for more than a decade before I finally saRead More
Sweeteners known as sugar alcohols have around half the calories of ordinary sugar, and various of them are artificial and added to processed foods, but others are found naturally in various fruits and vegetables.Read More