Why are You Burping? Tips for Treating it

Burping, also known as belching, is a natural function that is regularly performed by your body. Burping occurs when the excess air in your body gets out through the upper digestive tract in the form of several types of gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), and many others.
Though burping is a natural occurrence in your body, excessive burping or belching leads to a condition known as bloating, characterized by discomfort in the digestive tract and also health issues like stomach upset. Usually, a number of reasons are responsible for excessive or unhealthy burping, such conditions should be thoroughly discussed, and they need professional care and proper treatment.
What Is All About Burping?
Burping, also known as eructation, is a part of a body’s daily physiological activity when the gas (flatus) comes out of the tube known as a food pipe or esophagus. This is quite a natural occurrence, and it takes place occasionally. But excessive belching indicates serious gastro- enteric disorders that may be hidden within your body and lead to swelling of the stomach or distention, along with abdominal pain and discomfort.
Why Do People Burp?
While you consume the food, the food particle travels down the food pipe or esophagus and then reaches the stomach. Inside the stomach, the food particles are broken down into smaller pieces by the action of powerful organic catalysts known as enzymes along with several chemicals, some good bacteria, and organic acids. These smaller or simpler pieces of food substances give out the necessary nutrition that your body derives from these foods and also help to release energy required for normal physiological functioning.
Now, doctors say that while consuming food if air particles enter into your food pipe, or if you have aerated drinks like soft drinks or soda, beer and so on, or any other food substance that contains air trapped into it, the gases come out through your food pipe, and this is why burping commonly occurs.
There may be many probable reasons behind excessive burping. Some such reasons are listed below:
Burps due to aerated beverages:
There are several types of soft drinks that contain air within them in the form of trapped carbon dioxide that causes the bubbles and the fizz in those aerated drinks, for example in soft drinks like coke, drinks or beverages containing soda, hard drinks like beer, and many such drinks. Consumption of these types of drinks increases the chances of burping because the air particles enter your esophagus and usually make you burp.
Hidden stomach ulcers or gastro- enteric ulcers:
As discussed often indicates hidden abdominal problems, one of which can be ulcers that commonly develop as a result of abdominal infections in the form of sores in the inner walls of your stomach and can cause excessive belching, which may further result in bloating, stomach upset, abdominal pain, and discomfort. A stomach ulcer is a serious condition and can lead to fatal health conditions if it is left untreated for a longer period of time.
Pancreatitis or Pancreatic disorders:
The pancreas is considered one of the most important organs that help to support proper digestion along with your stomach, liver, intestines, and gall bladder. If you develop pancreatic disorders, particularly in the case of pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, characterized by inflammation of the pancreas gland you will feel bloating of the stomach, along with excessive burping, vomiting, and can also get hiccups, or have a high fever. Excessive bloating is a major indication of these types of digestive disorders, so it is highly important to consult your registered medical practitioner as soon as possible.
The method of having your food:
Gobbling up too many amounts of food at a time can be a possible reason that might cause excessive belching. This is because, while having too much at once, you are likely to take in a lot of air into your food pipe that can cause high rates of burping. Moreover, if you have a habit of eating too fast, you will again swallow air particles that will remain within your food pipe and will cause you to burp more frequently. So, it is always advisable to chew your food properly and then swallow. Do not hurry while eating or food and do not have too much food at a time.
High levels of acidity in the stomach:
Acidity can be a factor that potentially increases the frequency of belching. When your food does not get digested properly, there is a sudden change in the pH level of the stomach, and the acidity in the stomach gets pushed up towards the food pipe and this condition leads to frequent burping. Try having an antacid to reduce acidity in the stomach and also to get rid of heavy belching.
Having high amounts of spicy and oily foods:
Having excessive amounts of spicy and oily foods and foods that are high in acid contents such as onions, tomatoes, and citrus fruits are can significantly increase the chances of heavy burping, because these types of foods increase the chances of heartburn and acidity and thus increase belching.
Asthmatic disorders:
Heavy burping can indicate the underlying development of asthmatic disorders because when you inhale in you into your lungs, the air pressure is exerted on your diaphragm. These can be the probable reason that can force gas into your throat and food pipe and can cause you to burp heavily.
High levels of Fructose:
If you are consuming greater amounts of foods that contain added sugar in the form of sucrose such as corn syrup, fruit juice, and many others, or foods that contain high amounts of artificial sweeteners, then the amount of gas that is broken down from the food particles gradually starts to increase in your stomach and this leads to frequent belching, bloating, and further followed by stomach upset.
Excessive stress:
Stress and anxiety are the major factors that not only disturb your mental health but also lead to the development of several types of gastrointestinal problems, along with gut issues. When a person suffers from anxiety or depression, or any kind of mental stress, then the person is bound to take in a lot of air, and this causes the person to belch quite often.
Greater amounts of Gut Bacteria:
There are certain types of acid in the stomach that help to reduce the germs in the body and thus control the optimum levels of bacteria in your gut system. But if the stomach acid is unable to kill the bacteria, then the number of gut bacteria becomes surplus in the body causing excessive belching.
Your body may develop several types of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections like H. pylori that may develop in your stomach and other abdominal portions that can potentially lead to soreness and swelling in the stomach. Such types of infections increase the chances of developing acidity in your stomach and increase the frequency of burping.
Possible Ways Of Treating Excessive Or Abnormal Burping:
Belching, accompanied by stomach upset and bloating, though is considered a normal phenomenon of the human body, requires proper diagnosis and care if occurs in excessive levels.
There are some scientific measures that can be adopted to avoid frequent burping. Some such treatments of abnormal burping are as follows:
- Eat and drink slowly- Be careful while you eat and drink. Do not eat too much food together. Try to eat your food slowly to avoid excessive burping.
- Avoid having aerated drinks and beer- Avoid carbonated or aerated drinks like soda, coke, beer that release carbon dioxide gas and cause you to burp.
- Avoid smoking- Stop smoking, because while smoking you can take up a lot of air that can increase chances of excessive burping.
- Avoid having spicy and oily foods- Avoid having heavily rich and spicy foods that can significantly increase the chances of acidity in your stomach and can cause heavy belching and bloating, along with stomach upset.
- Lower down your consumption of fatty foods- Excessive consumption of foods that contain increased levels of saturated fats and fatty acids in them can affect digestion and can lead to indigestion, acidity and increase the frequency of burping.
- Visit your gastro– enterologist for regular check- ups to avoid underlying diseases that are causing heavy and frequent burping and stomach upset.
- Lower down the consumption of fructose or any food that contains heavy amounts of added sugar or fructose.
- Consume healthy foods including fresh fruits and vegetables
- Treat heartburn
- Make sure to avoid acidity