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What Happens in Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy?

What Happens in Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy?
April 10, 2024

Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Now you know that you are pregnant, you feel the most excited. Your pregnancy period, on average, will last for 38 weeks (about 8 and a half months) or a little more than that, around 40 weeks (about 9 months), which is approximately 9 to 10 months. The 4th, 5th and 6th months are the months that fall in the phase of the second trimester. During this time, your baby has already undergone rapid growth and is yet to develop further. This is the time that the baby takes a proper shape, and grows larger and stronger. So, the uterus also increases in size and shape, in the second trimester you are very likely to show a baby bump. Though the second trimester of pregnancy is going to be much easier than the first one, there are a lot of things that are necessary to know during this time.

How will your body change during the second trimester?

As you move on to the second trimester of your pregnancy, you will gradually feel that the symptoms of the first trimester like fatigue, nausea, and vomiting are eventually subsiding. But during this phase of pregnancy, you will notice some observable changes such as:

  • Growth of the uterus and you will show your baby bump
  • The gradual decrease in your blood pressure levels
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Stretch marks on the stomach, breast, thighs, or buttocks
  • Noticeable darkening of skin and visible dark patches around your nipples
  • Itching and irritation in the skin
  • Excessive increase in appetite
  • Swelling of the ankles or hands

The above ones are the natural symptoms of the second trimester. But if you continue to experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, yellowing of skin and eyes due to the development of jaundice, rapid weight gain, or similar symptoms, then you should positively consult your concerned gynecologist at once.

How will your body change during the second trimester?

The fetus has already undergone a lot of changes throughout the first trimester and in the second trimester most of its major organs get completely developed, thus in the end of the second trimester, your baby will be around 14 inches in height and will weigh a bit more than 2 pounds. The baby also develops sensory organs and thus can hear and listen to the sounds surrounding it. The baby starts movement within the uterus and the mother can also feel it. In fact, the mother will also be able to feel when the baby is asleep and when awake.

Listen to the doctor’s Opinions:

During your pregnancy, particularly during the second trimester, one should go through a few necessary tests and medical check-ups. Some of them are as follows:

  • Keep your weight under control
  • Keep your blood pressure levels within control
  • Perform ultrasound to keep a track of the baby’s heartbeat, growth, and development
  • Perform blood tests to keep in check your diabetes
  • Study your family history and check if you have a genetic disorder
  • Amniocentesis

About the Checkups:

In this phase of pregnancy, it is important to go through check-ups and follow the doctor’s opinions to ensure the good health conditions of yourself and your child.

There are some physical assessments that should be importantly carried out during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Some of them are as follows:

  • fundamental height, or belly size, and fetal growth
  • the heartbeat of the child
  • edema, or swelling of the ankle or feet
  • weight gain
  • blood pressure
  • levels of proteins and glucose in your urine

After performing these assessments and once you get the reports, you will be able to submit your reports to your doctor and the doctor will provide the necessary suggestions too.

But it is important to note that once you start to notice some abnormal symptoms, then you should positively inform your concerned health care expert.

Second Trimester Symptoms

  • vaginal bleeding
  • problems and blurriness of vision
  • pain in the stomach or in the lower parts of the abdomen
  • nausea and vomiting
  • chills or fever
  • severe or continuous headache
  • pain or burning during urination
  • fluid discharge from the vagina
  • swelling or pain in one lower extremity

Fetal heartbeat

At this phase of pregnancy, your baby is expected to have an average heart rate of 120 to 160 beats each minute. Some tests will be performed during this phase of your pregnancy so that the doctor might check whether your baby’s heart is appropriate or not.

Edema (swelling)

Edema is considered a disorder that causes swelling and pain in the ankle and feet and it occurs particularly during pregnancy. Your doctor may prescribe several ways to treat edema so that you and your growing baby remain safe and healthy.

Weight gain

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is quite common to gain weight, but you should be careful enough so that you do not become obese or overweight, because if you do not control your weight, then you might face some troubles. Keep a dietician to control your diet and recommend a proper pregnancy diet for you.

Blood pressure

It is important to keep your blood pressure levels within control, because abnormal blood pressure, particularly an increase in blood pressure, can be damaging to the health of the child and can cause serious trouble for the mother-to-be too. If you notice any abnormality in your blood pressure levels, then you should always take the advice of your health care expert and treat the condition as soon as possible.


During the second trimester of your pregnancy, your doctor will check the content of sugar (that remains in the form of glucose) and protein present in your urine. This is because, at this stage, you are at the greatest risk of developing preeclampsia, and this might be damaging to the health of your child. In fact, frequent checking your urine culture will effectively help you to know if you have any serious diseases like diabetes mellitus that can be treated before it gets too late. Urine tests can also reveal whether there is an underlying kidney disorder and thus the doctor can treat it accordingly.

Dos And Don’ts In Second Trimester:

The second trimester is one of the most important stages of your pregnancy and one should know what you should do and what you should avoid during this phase to keep yourself and your baby healthy.

What to do?

  • Exercise regularly and perform yoga and breathing exercises.
  • Take all the medicines that the doctor has prescribed in the correct dosage, including prenatal vitamins and folic acid.
  • Have a healthy diet that contains plenty of fruits, vegetables, low-fat forms of protein, and soluble fiber, and drink lots of water.
  • Take care of your dental hygiene and consult a dentist
  • Eat enough calories (about 300 calories more than normal).

What not to do?

  • Avoid strenuous work or putting on heavyweight that might affect your stomach
  • Immediately cut out excessive smoking, consumption of alcohol, or any other drugs
  • Limit your caffeine intake each day
  • Avoid having uncooked and raw fish like sushi or smoked seafood to avoid food poisoning
  • Avoid cat litter as there is a chance of getting infected with parasites that causes toxoplasmosis
  • Unpasteurized milk or other dairy products
  • Avoid eating hot dogs

4th Month of Pregnancy

In the 4th month of your pregnancy, that is, in the early stage of your second trimester, you will see through ultrasound that your baby’s tiny fingers and toes are distinctly visible. The baby is 6 inches long and weighs 4 ounces now your baby is growing hair and its teeth are now quite developed.

5th Month of Pregnancy

Soft, fine, and thread-like hair will become visible on the surface of the baby’s head and hairs will grow gradually all over the body. By now your baby is 10 inches long and weighs approximately one pound. By the 5th month, you will show your bump and will realize the baby’s movements and it is sleeping patterns.

6th Month of Pregnancy

The 6th month almost brings an end to the second trimester of your pregnancy. At this stage, your baby is 12 inches in height and weighs about 2 pounds. If you perform an ultrasound, you will clearly see that the color of your baby’s skin is slightly reddish, and wrinkled. You might also see the veins through the baby’s translucent skin. It is this month that the baby’s eyelids are fully developed, and they begin to part and open their eyes.

Second Trimester Tips:

Since your baby is almost on the way to arrival, you should start taking prior preparations. Some of the necessary second-trimester planning, and tips are provided below:

  • Plan for a Massage: During your second trimester, you might have felt a lot of pains and body aches. A massage or a body spa can make you comfortable, and relaxed and can ease your body pains.
  • Start Pediatrician Planning: As you are in your second trimester, consult a pediatrician and learn in detail about breastfeeding and immunizations.
  • Plan for Maternity Leave: It is preferable not to take enough stress during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Plan for a leave from work during this time.
  • Clean Naturally: Avoid cleansers and scrubbers that contain chemicals and apply home packs.
  • Sleep on one Side: Do not sleep in a straight posture. You should roll to your left side to get a comfortable and more peaceful sleep.
  • Have a proper diet: Have a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, folate, and other essential pregnancy nutrients.
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