Healthy Ways to Meal Plan For The Holiday Season

Holidays are some of the most exciting times of the year when we all rejoice in festivities. The holiday season, mostly the winter is filled with celebrations of the Christmas and arrival of the New year, so everyone is thrilled and excited about these moments of joy and celebrations. But, we need to keep one thing in mind along with our Christmas and New year celebrations, we should always take good care of our health and we should not deviate from a healthy diet and lifestyle. This is highly crucial because you need to take care of your health throughout the year, mostly during times of celebrations and festivities. If you fall ill, it might become difficult for you to take part and enjoy in the celebrations of the holidays. So, try to follow a proper and balanced diet that is rich in all the essential nutrients which will be highly beneficial for your health and these nutrients are all in optimum quantities, so you can build up a strong immune system in your body and so you are less likely to develop any harmful diseases and infections in your body. Therefore, you can have a perfect and healthy holiday ahead when you will be equally happy and healthy. This article will help you to get a detailed and in-depth idea about what healthy eating and diet rules should you maintain, mostly during the holidays and the festive times of the year, how to stay in good health and to keep away several types of diseases so that you can enjoy your holidays to the fullest. So, to know all these, try to read the entire article, and here is wishing you healthy and happy holidays, stay safe, healthy, happy, and feel better.
It is quite usual that when you are spending happy holiday times, maybe with family and friends, there are high chances that you are skipping healthy meals or food components in your diet and you are including mouth-watering, packaged, or unhealthy junk foods, that might make you happy during the time of holidays or the festive season, but these types of food substances might not be good for your overall health and body functioning. In fact, if you continue to consume such junk or fast foods throughout the festive season, then you are more likely to get ill during the holidays. So, it is highly essential to have a healthy diet each day.
Ways To Eat Right And Healthy During The Holidays And The Festive Season:
There are several ways to stay healthy and to include healthy food substances in your diet even during the holidays and in the festive seasons. If you can follow the ways or methods properly, it is expected that you will not fall sick during times of celebrations and festivities. Some such ways can be listed here as follows:
1. Substitute your favorite food items with healthy ones:
It is always a healthy way to follow during the time of festivities and holidays. For instance, if you wish to continue with your favorite foods in holidays or during festive times, you can replace bacon, mutton, or any kind of red meat with chicken or poultry or with any kind of healthy option. Through this, you are not just avoiding risks of health damage, but also you get to have your favorite food in a much healthier way.
2. Include enough fruits, vegetables, and healthy components in your party meal:
Now, this is important. When you are planning for a party- be it Christmas or New year party, or any festive occasion or the holiday gathering meals, you should always keep in mind healthy eating and including food components in a diet that are highly essential for your health. Dieticians and health care experts always advise that you must have plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your regular diet. While planning the holiday meals, you can add on fruits such as berries, peaches, oranges, melons, and so on with cakes or you can add vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, peas, beans, tomatoes, and so on with delicious festive meals. They may be either consumed raw, for example, peas, carrots, and cucumber, or cooked such as roasted bell papers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, and so on.
3. Keep in mind how many portions you are having:
How much portion of a meal you are having, mostly during the festive season might be a matter of concern. During the festive times, you might be too excited, so it is quite possible that you might not have control over the food you are having in the wake of celebrations. So, it is important to control your portions, especially during the festive period. You can either use smaller plates or bowls while having your food or take smaller portions and have meals according to your hunger, to enjoy a healthy and disease-free festive holiday.
4. Eat healthy food components during festive holidays:
Though holidays are meant for enjoyment and festivities, you should always have healthy foods over tasty foods. Make sure that the food components that you are having in your diet, mostly during holidays, parties, and celebrations, should consist of enough amounts of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other essential components that are highly beneficial for your overall health and proper functioning of the body. Try to have healthy food components even during festive parties, holidays, and during weekends. Such foods might include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, foods that are rich in high levels of fiber such as wheat, rice, maize, and barley, healthy proteins, such as kidney beans, soybeans, and animal proteins such as fat-free milk, and dairy products such as ghee, butter, cheese, curd, yogurt, and so on. Even if you are having fats, try to include healthy fats in your meal plan for holidays, such as avocado, and olive oil, and seafood such as tuna, salmon, and so on.
5. Do not forget about your mental health and well-being:
Apart from thinking about your physical health, you should also take proper care of your mental health and mental well-being as well. This is because the mind is also a part of your body. In fact, mental health in the present day, is one of the most important concerns, because people often tend to neglect the issues that are related to mental health and so they might end up in troubles that can lead to severe suffering and sometimes, even death. So, if your mind is not well, you might not be able to enjoy and celebrate your festivities and your holiday times blissfully. There might be certain conditions, that are often termed ‘festive blues’ that might often make a person sad, unhappy, and even depressed mostly during the times of celebrations and festive seasons. So, if you feel that you are having any problem related to your mental health, try considering taking up professional help as soon as possible.
6. Do not forget to perform your exercises and workouts daily:
Exercises and workouts are healthy practices. So, try not to skip them, even on holidays and during the festive seasons. Practice yoga, breathing exercises, and all the necessary workouts and exercises that will help you to stay healthy and maintain a robust immune system to fight against any type of harmful diseases and infections that will help you to stay away from several kinds of diseases, even during the times of festivities and celebrations. Celebrations and parties during holidays are also often known to bring a lot of exhaustion and increase the stress levels in your mind and thus can disrupt good health. So, you can also consider eating healthy and to carry on certain stress-releasing exercises that will help you to lower your stress levels and anxiety.
Apart from these, there are also some other ways that you can also follow if you wish to eat healthy during the holidays and to stay healthy and fit during the festive season. Some of those ways can be listed here as follows:
- Limit or avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol or related substances at parties or during gatherings with friends and family during holidays
- Try to avoid excessive consumption of snacks, fried substances, and other junk foods at parties
- Try to prefer juices over alcoholic drinks or drinks with soda
- Avoid soft drinks that are rich in added sugars