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Health Benefits of Walking After Meal

Health Benefits of Walking After Meal
April 17, 2024

Walking is considered to be the best medicine for everyone as it is a blessing for the whole day. All though we know that physical activity is necessary and good for our health. The problem is that we know the facts but not implementing them in our daily routine. Let’s talk about the benefits of walking, as regular and long walk increases your chances to live longer, helps in getting more energy, lose weight, increase metabolism, brings positivity and release negativity to stay healthy. A large population does not perform enough exercise to maintain optimal health. Walking is notably suited to physical activity does not need any special skills. You can do it anytime, anywhere without any equipment and with self-time. People come up with excuses to avoid physical activity either person does not have time due to overtime work and mostly thinks they are not sporty people.

Further, we will discuss some unique positive HEALTH BENEFITS of walking

  • Improve Digestion

Walk after the meal is more effective for weight loss. After the ten minutes of break, you can go for a walk to get some fresh air. In some studies, the result shows that people had experienced abdominal pain, fatigue, and other discomforts when they walk after a meal. Walking at a brisk pace could be the one reason. Make sure to practice for 5-10 minutes asana and then take a walk to see effective results. People tend to take 30 minutes to 1-hour walks. They nearly lost 1.5 kg to 3 kg during one month of walking after lunch and dinner. You can start with a stroll and then walk at a brisk pace to see the good results. People usually consider the after-meal walk leisurely for pleasure and to enjoy the weather.

  • Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

Walking even a baby step offers benefits to your body and some of the best exercise for heart health. Walking improves cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and energy level to keep you charged for the whole day. For maintaining the balance of your body, weight loss is equally important as its fight to improve heart health overall. If your mood is happy and boosted, stress will automatically reduce. Because of stress mind remain full of negative thoughts, remove the toxicity then the health of your heart will be better.

Walking has the potential key to play in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. According to the research, approximately 13% of men die because of heart disease. Three-fourth of deaths are attribute to heart diseases and stroke, the rest due to cancer. Your thirty minutes of daily to brisk pace or fifteen minutes of intense cardio or stairs climbing could be more effective rather than being lazy and staying in your bed. One-hundred and fifty minutes per week or five days per week workout should be the ultimate goal to remain healthy.

  • Promote Weight Loss

Walk and exercise play a vital role in weight loss. It is more effective if done just after the meal. An after-meal walk helps to reach a calorie deficit. Burning more calories than you take in with a proper diet promotes weight loss. Start by walking ten minutes per day after both the meals and slowly increase your time and aim for thirty minutes a day. Walking increasing your body strength, you can develop a good habit of exercising daily. Switch your transport mode from car to bicycle, lift to the staircase and try to walk by to nearby places. The more active you are throughout the day which increases the chances to lose weight faster.

Sometimes you hesitate to make exercising and workout a part of your course then you should try it with your friend. Motivation comes from a partner who can motivate you to push your limits and give your best. Start with small goals, set a plan with your partner then track your improvement daily. Try to stick to your schedule when you have decided to walk twenty minutes, do it every day, and add five minutes to your walk daily. Combining your daily physical activity alone cannot help you reduce weight, but a healthy diet is also a necessary and sustainable way to lose weight. Try to add more grains, herbs, fruits and cut refined sugar from your diet.

  • Manage Blood Sugar

Even a short walk after eating manage blood sugar and glucose levels. Moderate exercise helps to reduce bloating, improve your sleep, reduce gas and boost heart health. Hyperglycaemia- high blood glucose means too much sugar in the blood as the body lacks enough insulin. Hyperglycaemia can cause vomiting and hunger, rapid heartbeat, and vision problems. The risk factors for Hyperglycaemia are-

  • Overweight
  • High blood pressure
  • Higher cholesterol
  • History of gestational diabetes
  • PCOS- polycystic ovarian syndrome

The intake of carbohydrates cannot balance the amount of insulin according to your body’s requirements. The physical stress you are taking is indirectly affecting you, emotional stress from the workplace, family problems are also affecting your health. Taking control of health is in your hand only, exercise daily to lower the blood sugar and maintain a healthy diet. Follow your meal plan, served on your plate is even healthy or not. How the amount of sugar, carbohydrates impacting your blood sugar. Daily basis exercise and even a walk for thirty minutes are enough to maintain the balance of your body. Start your walking as soon as possible after a meal can control the risk of high blood sugar.

  • Regulates The Intensity

Sometimes taking a stroll after a meal is beneficial in a way that it kills your craving for after-meal sugar. Sugar cravings that strike after a meal may be due to serotonin, which helps in elevating mood. Post-meal walks boot blood circulation throughout the body and makes you feel less lethargic. After a meal body starts breaking down the food and there is a spike in blood sugar levels. Diabetes patients are advised to walk for at least ten minutes after a meal. The digestion process starts from the mouth when you start chewing your food. Proper chewing of food is very important to avoid upset stomach and digestive distress. You should gradually increase your speed from the relaxed stroll, to increase the intensity. With your walk, you need better sleep to lower blood pressure.

The researchers found that the higher the steps you take every day it will increase your age number too, which means it lowers the risk of dying at a shortage. Looking after the speed of your walk may be linked to your risk of heart disease. Through the research, those who walk slower pace were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who are brisk walkers. Maintaining the body mass index BMI is very important to reduce the risk of disease, people with low body mass index face higher risk. Malnourished or high levels of muscle tissue loss with age are more susceptible. The strollers had low fitness levels and could have a higher risk of death by heart disease. Walking is a beneficial way to bring a change in sedentary behavior in blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes or artery diseases. It is not just for unhealthy or overweight people to walk; it is recommended for healthy people to avoid health problems and dangerous diseases.

You can also add asanas to your list to see the effective results and benefits. After having your meal, you should wait for 10 minutes or can sit on your knees. You can try Vajrasana– a kneeling pose for 5 to 10 minutes, as it helps in digesting your food properly, keep the mind calm and motivated, increase the blood circulation in the lower pelvic region, and can get relief from constipation and flatulence. It strengthens the lower back and helps in relieving pain and suffering from sciatica, helps in belly fat loss. This asana is one of the easiest and safest asanas that should be practiced post-meal as it promotes proper digestion.

Motivation is the only way to keep yourself healthy, physical activity is as necessary as your social life. Exercise and a walk increase your lung’s ability to take oxygen properly, lower blood pressure, and reduce body fat. You can use mobile apps such as pedometer, google fit, or fi bands to count your steps. Wear it all day to keep yourself motivated to reach your daily goal and then gradually increase your daily steps over time. Count the intake of calories, burn them according to your body requirements. But before do check your body mass index BMI to know your body functions according to your weight and height. However, modern lifestyle may be spent by sitting at one place but getting time for yourself is as necessary as your work for earning. Make a goal to burn at least 100 calories per day. Although running burns more calories as per the walk, first you should start from small steps of walking 2km per day and initially increase your speed and duration. Lean muscles and maintained body structure are what everyone craves, starts it from today onwards.

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