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Causes and factors for acne on cheeks

Causes and factors for acne on cheeks
April 29, 2024


Acne, also often known as acne vulgaris in medical terms, is a very common skin condition, which is usually referred to as pimples. As we all know acne is a chronic issue that affects a majority of the population all across the world and it is quite easily treatable as well. Acne is mostly mild but sometimes it can be severe and then you need to consult a dermatologist. Many people are known to visit dermatologists mostly for treating conditions of acne, affecting their skin and face Acne breakouts are the most common on the surface of your cheeks and once they develop, they form a swelling, which may or may not be painful, but needs to be treated. It is therefore very important for you to get rid of your acne, especially the ones that develop on your face. This is because the development of acne usually affects the overall look of a person removing acne from the face becomes vital to improve your appearance. Such cases are more likely to hamper both your mental health and can make you feel inferior due to a distorted look as well. So, to get rid of acne you need to prevent the factors that result in the formation of acne and spots on your skin and face.

This article will help you to get a detailed idea of what acne is all about, what can be the factors that are responsible for the occurrence of acne, its causes, and most importantly, how can you get rid of acne and get healthy skin. Read the article till the end and develop healthy and glowing skin and a face, free from acne.

All the vital details that you must know about acne:

Since acne is quite a common occurrence, it is more or less known to almost anyone who has experienced acne, but there is an important point that one needs to understand about acne, that is, the occurrence of acne is not merely about the deteriorating condition of your skin surface, but because of the accumulation of substances like oil and dirt on the skin that are clogging the skin pores. Moreover, acne is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that is found to affect certain vital glands of the skin, especially the sebaceous gland. Acne that usually appears on your face and cheeks might be either red or may be filled with a white puss (or can have simple papules). Being a chronic skin condition, it develops on the skin surface as a swelling, further affecting the hair follicles or hair shafts that are present in the dermis of the skin. People belonging to the age group of 15 to 25 usually have higher chances of developing acne than others, though acne can develop at almost any age. That is, chronic skin conditions like acne can occur in persons even beyond the age of 25 years.

Apart from this, many experts and dermatologists are known to claim that women are more prone to develop acne and more often than men. When acne develops on the surface of your skin and face, there are chances that there might they might leave the effects (that is, their marks and spots) on the skin surface or your face through conditions like scarring and hyperpigmentation. Once pimples start developing on the surface of your skin or your face, you must start to take steps so that your acne heals. Besides that, you must also be careful of those aspects that lead to the development of pimples on your face. Once you start developing acne, you are more prone to experience certain types of changes in your skin, some of which can be listed here as follows:

• Feelings of pain in the area that has developed acne

• Discolouration of the skin where acne has developed

• Acne feels tender when touched

• Redness of the acne resulting in the formation of lesions

• Development of dark patches or spots as a result of hyperpigmentation

• Pimples might appear red and become more painful

• Swelling and inflammation.

Why does acne develop on your skin and face?

Now that you know some of the major details about acne, it is important to note that acne is a skin condition that occurs as a result of several other situations in the body, a significant one being the major changes in hormonal synthesis inside the body. Pimples or acne can also develop on the skin (in fact, this is the most common reason why acne develops on your skin and face) that is, when your skin is oily and remains covered with dirt and dust. Oily skin from excess production and secretion of sebum can truly lead to the development of acne. When you have acne, your skin surface, especially your cheeks and face will show various other types of skin-related issues such as the appearance of whiteheads or blackheads on the surface of your nose and cheeks (these might be present on your chin or forehead as well).

To understand how acne develops on the skin surface, it is important to understand that the skin consists of hair follicles. The pimples are formed when these types of follicles or the sebaceous glands that are found in the dermal layer of the skin get infected. When acne develops on your cheeks and face, the sebaceous glands present in the dermal layer of the skin get infected. But there is nothing to worry about, the most common method of treating acne is to use natural remedies and anti-bacterial components that prevent the growth of pimple-causing germs. If conditions of acne become serious, you might need to consult a healthcare professional for better and more effective solutions for acne control.

List of reasons that are responsible for the occurrences of acne on the face and cheeks:

There can be various types of reasons that might be responsible for the occurrences of acne on your face, some of which are given below:

1. Genetic conditions:

Many experts claim that you will have a greater chance of developing acne if there is a trait of acne on the skin and cheeks present among the members with whom you share genetic relations if you have this tendency in your family trait. Genetic conditions are considered responsible for the increased chances of developing acne or being affected by severe conditions like Aperta syndrome and also XXY syndrome, which are some rare genetic diseases.

2. Lifestyle disorders:

In several cases, it has been stated that pimples can occur if you do not practice a healthy and proper lifestyle. This is because an unhealthy lifestyle can increase the chances of developing more acne on your face. Some of the examples of unhealthy and improper lifestyle practices include the following:

• Lack of enough rest and sleep

• Excessive smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks

• Lack of enough nutrients in your diet

• Little or no physical activity or exercises

• Excess use of cosmetics or harsh products on the skin

• Excessive consumption of junk and fast foods.

3. Stress:

Stress, to your surprise, can result in the formation of more pimples on your cheeks and face. This is because, high levels of unhealthy stress can hamper your sleep, affect your diet and lifestyle, and thus can increase the chances of developing more pimples on chicks.

4. Hormonal imbalance:

Hormonal imbalance is one of the major factors that results in the formation of acne on your cheeks and face, especially among women. Though this happens among both boys and girls during adolescence, the chances increase more among women during pregnancy, before and after menstruation, and so on. Moreover, the secretion of androgen hormones results in the pores on the skin enlarging and this causes the skin to become oily due to excess sebum. Therefore, the excess production of sebum from sebaceous glands will then tend to clog the skin pores and thus can form blackheads (or whiteheads) on the skin surface. Moreover, those who have hormonal irregularities and clinical health issues like polycystic ovaries or androgen-secreting tumors can have even more acne.

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