A Complete Guide To Identifying & Treating Moles, Freckles, and Skin Tags

There are different types of marks on the skin that are often found to occur in different parts of the body. Though these marks do not pose any severe damage to your overall health and body functioning, it is important to know that when these types of marks occur on your body, they might seem to be quite harmless, but these marks on your skin can indicate risks of some underlying health conditions in some cases. So, it is important to know about these types of marks that often appear on your skin. Moles, freckles, and skin tags are some of those types of marks that are known to appear on the surface of the skin, and they need to be either removed or treated. But before that, it is important to have a clear idea about these types of skin conditions.
To remove the skin marks on your body like skin tags, moles, and freckles it is important to get a detailed and complete idea about moles, freckles, and skin tags, the reasons why they appear on your skin, and most importantly, why you must get them treated and how. Are you the one who is looking for the answers to these above-mentioned questions? If so, then this one might be the most important article for you. Read this article till the end and it will help you to get a clear understanding of moles, freckles, and skin tags.
About moles:
All of you might have more or less some sort of idea about moles, that they are forms of nevi that are often found to occur on your skin cells that are scientifically known as melanocytes that are known to create a type of skin pigment in excessive amounts, known as melanin. This secretion of excessive pigments makes that area of the skin look much darker. Moles are often found to occur in the form of benign tumors. Moles, especially congenital moles are especially found to be present on one’s skin from the time of their birth and there are also certain types of moles that are found to develop anew in the later years. Moles develop on your skin in shades that vary from brown to black. Moles usually start appearing at an early age, mostly from childhood, and end developing after the first 25 years of a person’s life. In normal cases, an adult individual can have from 10 to 40 moles on his or her body. They can appear either as single spots or in groups.
Moles are quite usual to find on any part of the skin surface and they might not be harmful to you. But there might be conditions when moles must be removed or treated. Moles develop slowly and gradually and as they get larger and while they develop, moles gradually change colors. In some cases, there might be hairy outgrowth on moles as well. For some people, moles are permanent growths on their skin, while for others, moles can disappear after some time.
What are the common symptoms of developing moles?
When you are developing moles on your skin, in common conditions, there are chances that you will develop certain symptoms. In most cases, moles start appearing as benign, outgrowths on the skin and continue to remain in the same color, shape, and texture for a long time. Some of the signs of moles appearing on your skin surface are listed below:
- Skin becomes flat or raised
- Moles appear less than 1/4 inch across
- Meals grow as round and symmetrical growths on your skin with a well-defined border
The color of moles remains uniform, and the color of moles varies as follows:
1. Black
2. Brown
3. Pink
4. Red
5. Tan
6. Flush toned
There are some of other types of moles as well, that are commonly known as atypical moles or dysplastic nevi. These types of moles mostly appear as flat or raised, yet they can be found to form in the following conditions:
- These moles might appear larger than a 1/4 across, larger than the shape of a pencil eraser
- The texture of the mole is smooth and bumpy or rough, wrinkled, and scaly
- In many cases, moles can also be irregularly shaped and can have borders around them that get blurred with skin surfaces around it
- Moles can be speckled or consist of more than one color.
Why do moles occur? Causes behind their occurrences
Moles usually occur on the surface of your skin, at any part of your body because of excessive secretion of melanin pigments by melanocytes and this leads to the darkening of skin. In fact, moles are known to further darken, especially in your teen years or in the time of pregnancy.
How to treat moles in your body?
In most cases, people do not bother to remove moles. But if your doctor feels further investigation of moles that occur as abnormal growths on the skin, then a biopsy might be referred. If the mole turns out to be malignant or cancerous, then it will require proper medical assistance.
About freckles:
Freckles are small spots that are mostly brown in color and are mostly found to appear on your face, and in some parts of the body as well, such as the chest, neck, face, back of the hands, upper parts of the body, and in your arms. Freckles are usually found to occur among people who live in areas where the sunlight is quite scorching and those who are light-skinned and spent much of their time outside in the summer heat. Though freckles do not pose any kind of threat to your skin, they can be a result of excessive exposure of the skin surface to the harmful ultraviolet or UV rays of the sun. Freckles are also found to appear on your skin because of excessive production of the pigments known as melanin in those specific parts of your body, and for this high melanin synthesis, your hair and skin color might also play a major role.
What can be the possible causes that lead to freckles?
Freckles are mostly found to occur because of excessive exposure to the surface of your skin under the sun’s rays.
How can freckles get treated and prevented?
There is no such need to get your freckles treated because freckles are mostly harmless, and they can be easily avoided if you cover yourself properly or use any kind of sun protection such as sunscreen while you are going under the extreme heat of the sun. Make sure that the sunscreen that you are using has UV protection and covers a broader spectrum of SPF because the higher the SPF, the better will be your protection from the sun on your skin surface will help you to prevent freckles.
Here is everything that you should know about skin tags:
Skin tags are some of the most common types of flaps that occur on the skin as small tissues that hang off the skin surface through another connecting stalk. Just like freckles, skin tags are harmless as well, and they can develop on any part of your skin, especially on the armpits, breasts, neck, in your groin area, or in the chest. In fact, skin tags are more commonly found to occur among women than among men and the occurrence of skin tags becomes more once you get old, and your overall body weight increases.
What are the possible causes of skin tags?
Insulin resistance is considered a major cause behind the occurrence of skin tags, and they increase as a person develops health conditions like type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
How can you treat skin tags?
Skin tags are not so harmful, so they do not need any specific treatment, but in some conditions, your dermatologist might suggest cutting the skin tag by removing off the growth with surgical instruments like scissors and then applying medicines for faster healing.
Other treatment options for curing skin tags:
Apart from these, there are different types of home remedies that are usually followed for the removal and treatment of skin tags on your skin, some of them are listed here as follows:
- The antioxidant properties in banana peels help in removing skin tags
- Tea tree oil with its antifungal and other natural properties can treat skin tags
- Use apple cider vinegar and have foods that are rich in vitamin E
- Garlic is another healthy ingredient that helps to treat and remove skin tags