Sportfy Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Clinic
1 Doctor
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Sahdeo Hospital sector-Omega-1 ,
Sportfy Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Clinic ,
Greater Noida ,
Uttar Pradesh ,
India ,
201310 |
Mon - Sat
10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Doctors in Sportfy Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Clinic

Dr. Sudhansu Shekhar Singh
BPT- Physiotherapy
Dr.Sudhansu Shekhar Singh is HOD at physiotherapy & rehabilitation department Sahdeo Hospital. Has an experience of 14 years in this field. Former senior Physiotherapist in Jaypee Hospital Noida & Fortis Hospital Noida. He is a Active member of Delhi council of physiotherapy and Federation of Indian Manual therapy. His expertise in Sports physiotherapy, Manual therapy , Advance Laser therapy, neurological conditions eg: (Stroke, Parkinson, GBS) Fibromyalgia, vestibular rehabilitation, spinal disorder ( Back pain, neck pain, slip disc) His physiotherapy centre is fully equipped with advanced physiotherapy equipments"

Consult Fee 500