Dr. Surabhi Khandelwal's Hari Om Homeopathic Clinic
Doctors in Dr. Surabhi Khandelwal's Hari Om Homeopathic Clinic

Dr. Surabhi Aakash Khandelwal
General Consultant Doctor
Dr. Surabhi Khandelwal is homeopathic Physician practicing from last 4 years. Dr. Khandelwal has cured many acute & chronic diseases with homeopathic medicines. Hari Om Homeopathic Clinic which is located at KT Nagar Square is equipped with latest technology. Homeopathic treatment can treat many diseases like :- -Migraine -Asthma -Long period acidity -Kidney stone -Pimples -Joints pain and many more diseases without any side effects with lifelong results.

Consult Fee 150