Dr. Pankaj Mittal's Clinic
1 Doctor
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E1802 Adani oyster Grande Sector 102 ,
Gurugram Haryana ,
Dr. Pankaj Mittal's Clinic ,
Gurgaon ,
Haryana ,
India ,
122006 |
Mon - Sat
11:00 AM to 03:00 PM
05:30 PM to 08:30 PM
05:30 PM to 08:30 PM
Doctors in Dr. Pankaj Mittal's Clinic

Dr. Pankaj Mittal
General Physican
Senior consultant Physician and preventive Health specialist working for last 23 years in Delhi and NCR with special interest in Diabetes Hypertension Cardiac Medicine Nephropathy Critically sick patients And Preventive Health issues to the best of satisfaction

Consult Fee 1000